There is this brilliant girl I know named Hildalgo (name changed for safety reasons since I'm now an internet celebrity) and she happens to like me enough to be one of my very best friends. Hildalgo started a blog recently so I looked it up. I didn't even read it at first. I was just impressed she had one and told her I was jealous of her blog and I wish I had something to write about. She told me she didn't have anything to write about and then pointed out that her first post was about broccoli. Hildalgo told me how easy and noncommittal having a blog really was — I'm a college student so both those words are music to my ears. Still i had no idea what to write about. I complained for minute or two and somewhere in my whining she picked up on my saying "I'm only good at Twitter." Hildalgo gathered up her wisdom, insight, bravery, courage, good looks, and common sense to formulate a fantastic plan. Once she finished calculating and hypothesizing and theorizing she proclaimed, "You could just like take your tweets and expand them." It was positively pure poetry, people. (<-- That's called alliteration, isn't it so much fun?)
I often have trouble trying to fit all of my thoughts into 140 characters anyways, so this is a perfect jumping off point to get me writing complete and coherent pieces. I've already got the idea in my head, something interesting to talk about and maybe even an entertaining observation. So from here on out, my blog posts will feature a tweet from yours truly, an explanation about the tweet, my thoughts about the tweet, other things semi-related to tweet, and more things I feel like sharing. I promise I'm not in love with myself. I'm just a damn good Tweeter. Well interwebers, that is the end of "The Heroic Tale of Hildalgo," or more dully put: how I decided to start a blog and where I got the idea from. I'm basically a big giant copy-cat thriving off the genius of others.
Thanks Hildalgo!
Hildago's blog
How inspirational. This is better than fabulous! Please keep blogging!